Donate or Sponsor

Help support us, a local non-profit community organisation, and make a donation or consider sponsoring the band or one of our events!
We currently have no permanent sponsors so if you are interested in becoming one then please start a conversation with us and get in touch!

easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations for the band!
Sign up to easyfundraising using our referral link (to help raise additional donations), visit participating shopping websites through the easyfundraising website first, and then continue shopping as normal with no additional cost to you - it's really that simple!
You can also install browser extensions to help remind you to activate your easyfundraising donations!

Follow our Facebook Page to receive regular updates about what the band is up to straight to your news feed!
Core information will always be available on our website but there is additional content (such as news, announcements, videos and events) waiting for you on our page!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see the band in action and to keep up to date with our latest videos!
Don't let the algorithm choose what you watch next when there's plenty of great performances available all in one place!